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For Moms, By Moms

Newborn baby girl breastfeeding after birth


Birth Preparation Master Class

Mrs. Saranya - Pregnancy Coach | Life Coach For Mothers


Being a first time mom is sometimes overwhelming because there is the fear of UNKNOWN. We tend to think that , birthing a baby is a very tedious process. But it isn’t, your body knows how to deal with the birth and you just have to trust your instincts.

This course gives you enough guidance and information to handle your birthing more Confidently.



1.What is Estimated Due Date?

2.Signs of Labor nearing

3.Parts of Uterus

4.What are contractions?

5.false labor vs True labor

6. Stages of Labor and Birth (3 stages)

7. Water Breaking (Amniotic Sac)

8. Various Medical Interventions

9. C-Section process

10. Pain Management during Birth

11. Myths around Babies Head size

12. Delayed Cord Clamping

13.Natural ways of Induction